React native image picker – ios fix

In ios response.uri won’t work for file uploads. Modify it as below (Platform.OS===’android’) ? response.uri : response.uri.replace(‘file://’, ”) and in options storageOptions: { skipBackup: true, path: ‘images’,...

React native xcode – Common Commands

How can I launch the iOS Simulator from Terminal? Just use open -a simulator For some specific device 1. open terminal 2. xcrun simctl list 3. get udid of the device you want to launch 4. Paste this in the terminal 5. open -a Simulator –args -CurrentDeviceUDID...

How to import external images in WordPress

We usually run into this issue while migrating site from one domain to another or during migration from to There are couple of plugins which you use to import external images. One of the popular one is...