Magento Indexers Invalid Issue

Go to Magentto root from command line and run following command. php bin/magento indexer:reindex If you get the error “Check for more info on how to handle out of memory errors”...

React Native SSL error on Android API 16-19

React native fetch request won’t work on Android API 16 to 19 after react native upgraded to newer okHttp versions which doesn’t support old cipher suites. To make it work we will have to downgrade okHttp version of react native. I specifically encountered...

Virtualmin Postfix fixes after mariadb upgrade…

Used this guide to upgrade mariadb to version 10 or above. After upgrade postfix needs to be restarted. Go to postfix > Edit config files and copy over files main,master and virtual.rpmsave to their original files. Run command postmap /etc/postfix/virtual And...

Postfix – Virualmin – Email send/receive issue

Just a log for the future… Make sure FQDN is setup properly. Check under webadmin > Networking > Network configuration In /etc/postfix/main.cnf myhostname should be set to FQDN. Keep inet_protocols = ipv4 Above is the issue most of the time, configuration...