by admin | Feb 19, 2020 | Wordpress
Just a random list Simple Image Sizes A pretty useful plugin to generate custom image sizes or to change theme image sizes like removing crop etc from woocommerce images.
by admin | Feb 19, 2020 | Wordpress
Use the code below. Will need to change tag/selector according to theme (function($){ if (window.innerWidth > 400) { equalheight = function(container){ var currentTallest = 0, currentRowStart = 0, rowDivs = new Array(), $el, topPosition = 0;...
by admin | Dec 29, 2019 | Wordpress
If you want to change a certain text or a word in theme or plugin and don’t want to edit the theme or plugin files then you can use the following snippet. Place it in functions.php of theme function start_modify_html() { ob_start(); } function end_modify_html()...
by admin | Dec 8, 2019 | Wordpress
We usually run into this issue while migrating site from one domain to another or during migration from to There are couple of plugins which you use to import external images. One of the popular one is...
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